Home / News / Scoping reports submitted for Stromar Offshore Wind Farm

Scoping reports submitted for Stromar Offshore Wind Farm

Published: 29/01/2024

Edinburgh, 29 January 2024 – Stromar Offshore Wind Farm Limited, a joint venture between Ørsted, BlueFloat Energy and Renantis, has successfully submitted its comprehensive EIA scoping and HRA screening reports to the Marine Directorate and Aberdeenshire Council for the offshore and onshore aspects of its 1 Gigawatt floating offshore wind energy project.

Stromar, located approximately 50 km east of Wick, is capable of powering the equivalent of close to 1 million homes each year, making a significant contribution to the Scottish and UK Governments’ net zero targets, not only providing clean energy but also creating job opportunities, stimulating economic growth, and bolstering the local supply chain.

The EIA scoping reports outline the plans for the development, addressing both onshore and offshore considerations and reflect the company’s dedication to responsible development through strong environmental stewardship, community engagement, and maximising the value for the Scottish economy.

The HRA screening reports outline the key protected sites and species of relevance to the Stromar development area and present how impacts will be assessed in more detail at the next stage.

Project Director, Nicholas Ritchie, expressed excitement about reaching this pivotal moment for Stromar: “Submitting the scoping report signifies a major milestone on our journey towards delivering clean and renewable energy in Scotland. We are looking forward to working closely with local communities and all other stakeholders as Stromar progresses through the next stages of development, with a plan to contribute significantly to Scotland’s green energy landscape.”

The project team will now schedule a number of community consultation events in Spring 2024 to ensure stakeholders are fully informed and that their views are considered in the site selection, design and development of the project.

For more information and to view the reports, visit www.stromarwind.co.uk/library.


For more information contact Kenny Craig, Head of Communications, BlueFloat Energy | Renantis partnership

(e) kenny.craig@renantis.com


Notes to Editors

 About Stromar Offshore Wind

Stromar Offshore Wind is a 1GW floating offshore wind development joint venture consisting of Ørsted, BlueFloat Energy and Renantis. The joint venture brings together Ørsted’s unparalleled record in offshore wind, having developed and built more offshore wind projects than any other company in the world, with BlueFloat Energy’s unique knowledge and experience in floating wind projects and Renantis’ pioneering approach and experience with community engagement in Scotland in particular.

Press release amended on 6 February 2024

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